
Fetch The Milk is the mode near the end of the Fancade Mad driving series, with beautiful graphics, many improvements. Still control the truck with smooth gameplay. Can you control your car avoiding the obstacles on the track? Practice skills and improve your driving skills.

How To Play

You’re in charge of navigating your vehicle along a course that has several bridges and numerous obstacles. You can’t just drive the small pickup truck straight to the end of the road; you’ll have to overcome several hurdles along the way. You’ll need both speed and stopping power to get past hazards. Some of the potential difficulties include vaulting over barriers, slamming through brick walls, and crossing the river via a complex system of bridges. The goal of each level is just to survive until you reach the end zone. Although each stage has the same ultimate aim, different approaches are taken to get there.


  • Steer forward by pressing W, D, X or Up arrow, Right arrow, Mouse click.
  • Steer backward by pressing S, A, Z or Down arrow, Left arrow.

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