1024 is a fun and engaging brain game. The popular puzzler 2048 is the inspiration for the game. The original 2048 (4×4) only has one mode, whereas 1024 offers a range of difficulties.
How to play
A grid of square cells and several blocks with various numerical values will be shown. You must combine them to give them greater value if you want to raise your score. These cubes all contain a multiple of 2n. A block size of two appears with a very high frequency. However, a 4, albeit less frequently, can occasionally appear. A single swipe may be used to move every single block. The game is over if all of the available blocks are placed in the playing area and no new ones arrive. Place your most important value on a map corner. This game has five stages, but they largely function as different play styles.
Tips and Tricks
To make larger blocks, either the entire train may be combined or the size of a single block can be raised. You generally want your main train of blocks to be full, especially in higher-order games. Don’t worry, you can use any other 2048 technique as a template. In the event that you fail to do so, a random block will spawn in the corner, taking up the area that your largest block would normally occupy.
Who created 1024?
1024 is created and developed by Tzomby from Fancade.