Drive Mad series collection has released a very interesting version of FarAway, you should not miss it. Avoid crashing into obstacles as you drive your automobile around a course. There are ever more challenging objectives to meet as you progress through the game. Don’t go crazy with the controls, and stick to the platforms. For the simple reason that losing your cool and flipping your automobile is an inevitable consequence of driving too quickly.

How To Play

It takes more than just stepping on the pedal and driving to go across these streets safely. You need to maintain a safe speed while on the road. We all know this is tough. The moment your car crashes through the bridge’s deck, it will be destroyed. It’s impossible to complete the game without becoming an expert driver. Knowing when to quicken your pace and when to calm it down is a matter of trusting your gut. Everything about this situation is set up for failure, making it impossible for you to cross the street. So, can you show that it is feasible to get to the end of the road despite all the challenges you’ll face along the way?


  • Steer forward by pressing W, D, X or Up arrow, Right arrow, Mouse click.
  • Steer backward by pressing S, A, Z or Down arrow, Left arrow.

Who created Truck Driving?

FarAway is created and developed by PuzzleSolver98 from Fancade.

If you like similar driving games in the Drive Mad series collection, you can try Drive Winter, Drive Classic. Have fun!

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