City Car Stunt 4


Prepare to dominate the highways with City Car Stunt 4. Drive your preferred vehicles through wild, dizzying racetracks that soar to the heavens, and defeat difficult opponents to win. Are you prepared to demonstrate your mettle by white-knuckling the wheel, stomping the gas all the way down? Now is the time to take us for a drive! Are you prepared to establish yourself as the top driver or racer?

How To Play

In its fourth episode, City Car Stunt has a lot of upgrades. More powerful and colorful vehicles have just been added to the game. Step inside your vehicle, and letā€™s go on a ride! There are two distinct game modes available for this one. You have the option of choosing between free driving, where you may practice your driving, and racing, where you can watch as other players eat your dust. In any case, you must exercise extreme caution due to the routesā€™ perilous turns. To have a greater chance against your adversaries, you may also modify your vehicle. Play with enjoyment!


ā€œARROW KEYSā€ is Player 1ā€™s move. Nitrogen: ā€œNā€ Reverse: ā€œBā€ Player 2 Action: ā€œW, A, S, Dā€ ā€œTā€ in Nitro Reverse Look: ā€œCā€ ā€œRā€ for Level Restart

Do you like the excitement of Racing games ? When you click here, be sure to watch Traffic Tour and have fun!

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